Endings - Sashi Perera

Hi there

Welcome to my first ever show, Endings. I'm so excited that you're here!

Couple of things up top - this show is for humans aged 18 and over. It has content about sex, religion, politics and many other topics that people may hold sacrosanct. If you do not like jokes about these topics, please don't buy this show - spend the money on something that will bring you joy!

If you're still interested, this show asks: Is every death a tragedy, every break-up a crisis and every ending a bad one? The answer is hell no, let me squash your fear of endings in this show.

I was nominated as "Best Newcomer" at the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival for this show, that was wildly exciting. I was also the only Australian comedian on the 2021 UK Funny Women Awards ‘Ones to Watch’ list and am a two-time RAW Comedy Vic finalist. I know, brag.

I'm self produced so had to take out three cover songs as I couldn't work out how to play them and not get sued. Sorry! Apart from that - it's all here and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for watching!

Big hugs